Thursday, April 1, 2010

Balance- On a Clay Mission-P-1

I learned something today- All these years I thought Polymer Clay was eco-friendly simple because I thought it was -well an earth element, clay..I don't know what prompted me to do this but something told me to look up Polymer clay and research some more....

First in a first glance Google search I found this blog posts Green Polymer Clay Jewelry and On Sustainable Design by BeadLadyAngeli very intriguing....
SaraJanes' Polyclay Gallery's FAQ'S page is loaded with excellent information pertaining to Polymer Clay, from it's chemical make up- to how it was named to the original purpose to why is was created.From there, I click an link after link ..continuing by quest for more knowledge of this material..

So what is Polymer Clay?? short-plastic..synthetic modeling material, not an earth clay. It is formulated from polyvinyl chloride.It is also petroleum based. Though now I know that this material is NOT an environmentally incorrect medium, it is not a HUGE contributor either and can be made into an eco-friendly product.

When I first started this post it was 1 am-it's now 3 am -I got so caught in all the great links I found that would teach me the PROS of working with Polymer Clay in a eco-friendly way..but I am too tired to list them all now.;-)

So I'll finish where I left tomorrow.

1 comment:

Michelle said...

Just wanted to stop in and say hi :) Great blog... I like your Swan shop.. so many beautiful things.

Lijit Search


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