Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Creativity-From Bulge to Belt-DIY

Well, since I haven't lost the weight bulge I wanted to before the Spring came, I decided to make some good use of an old belt I had to give to my toddler- Repurpose!

My little sweetie is growing straight up like a weed BUT is slim for the clothing sizes of his age- 2t is too short but 3t is tooo big and wide. So I took a standard pair of scissors and cut the belt from 35 inches to 20 inches.

The leather was kinda thick which was good for durability. I carved some tiny holes about an inch apart with an exacto blade.

Tried on the belt for size with my baby wearing size 3T shorts.

Perfect fit--not too tight or too loose;-) With room for him to use up to 4T size;-)..Eco-friendly and FREE;-) what frugal mom doesn't love that! Let me know what you think and feel free to share the link or another cool way to repurpose clothing for children.

Oh yeah, what am I going to do with the leftover strap..you'll see....;-) Tune in next wee & thanks for visiting.

1 comment:

customdesigns4ubynan said...

love the outie!!! Good for you, recycle. Happy Saturday Blog Shopping!

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